If you’re wondering Where Can I Buy Compatible Philips Affinity 30 Probes, read this article. We’ll cover the Philips Affiniti 30’s specific uses, as well as how you can find compatible replacements. Listed below are some examples of the types of imaging probes available. Read on to discover how to find them, and how you can save money while replacing your equipment.
Xmatrix Array Transducers
Philips offers two 2D matrix array transducers: the L12-4 and C5-2. These imaging transducers feature steerable color Doppler and M-mode technology. The L12-4 features a 12-4 MHz extended operating frequency range and helps reduce clutter and artifact. Both types of transducers feature an iSCAN system that automatically selects steering angles based on the resolution and frame rate selected by the user. AutoSCAN automatically optimizes brightness and TGC settings for each sub-array.Philips Affinity 30 Probes
A Philips Affinity 30 ultrasound probe is compatible with Xmatrix Array Transducer transducers. Ensure that you are familiar with the transducers by consulting the manufacturer’s guide. Incompatible products can cause harm and could result in serious injury. It is imperative to use these devices only for their intended purposes. Follow all instructions for installation and operation to prevent injury.
The Philips Affinity 30 ultrasound probe is designed to meet the needs of busy clinics. It shares its architecture with Philips’ Affinity 50 and 70 models. It features a high-resolution 21.5″ LCD monitor, a large touch screen, and four active transducer ports. The Affinity 30 uses the same fundamental technologies as the Philips Affinity 50 and 70 ultrasound probe. Its XMATRX array transducers can be used with any X-Matrix Array Transducer.
Philips has taken great care to make this document as accurate as possible, but it cannot be held responsible for errors. Philips reserves the right to alter its products or programs. In addition to updating this user guide, Philips offers safety information about the probe and the transducers. If you have questions or need assistance, contact Philips directly. You can also refer to Philips’ website for support.
Phased array probes
The compatible philips Affinity 30 phased-array probes are designed for general imaging, pediatric imaging, and fetal echo. These probes are made of a corrosion-resistant stainless steel case and have an acoustic impedance that matches water. They also feature adjustable immersion wedges. In addition, these probes can be used for a variety of applications, including carbon fiber reinforced polymers and composites.
The Affinity 30 ultrasound system was designed with everyday scanning needs in mind, and incorporates quality imaging innovations and proven clinical applications. Features like Tissue Specific Presets and precision beam forming ensure high-quality images. Its modular design ensures fast repair, and remote monitoring and services keep your patient’s health at the top of your list. Whether you’re looking for an ultrasound machine or ultrasound probes, you can find what you need easily and efficiently.
X7-2T TEE Transducer
Compatible Philips Affinity 30 probe X7-2t TEE transducer is designed for use in a wide variety of TEE procedures including obsterical imaging, fetal echo, pediatric general imaging, and musculoskeletal studies. This probe features a compact design, which helps reduce the size and weight of the probe. A variety of settings are available, including three different settings for various applications.
The TI and MI are displayed in increments of 0.01 for each transducer application. The default settings for each transducer application are indicated on the imaging display. You can change the settings by adjusting the range and increments, depending on the application. The range and increments are described in the “Imaging Display” on page 188. If you have an existing transducer, you can simply replace it with a compatible one.
If you are unsure whether the new device will work with your current system, you should consult the manufacturer. The manufacturer provides a detailed instruction sheet for compatibility. It also has safety information, including how to safely use the device. As with all medical equipment, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Moreover, the user’s manual is provided by Philips.
The X7-2T TEE transducers are compatible with the CX50 and iE33 ultrasound systems. This premium-quality TEE transducer is ideal for ultrasound applications involving patients under 30 kg. Its features include dynamic elevational focusing and harmonic imaging. The probe is in excellent condition and available for purchase through Soma Technology, Inc.
Compatibility with Philips ultrasound systems requires that you purchase only those transducers that are compatible with the brand’s standards. To be safe, it’s best to consult a physician before using a transesophageal echocardiographic probe. A Philips ultrasound system also includes safety information that applies to the system and the task it is being used for. Remember, Philips ultrasound systems are designed for use by licensed physicians under the supervision of a physician. If you suspect a transducer isn’t compatible with your system, contact the company and ask about compatibility.
The compatible philips Affinity 30 probe consists of an outer shell with a small hole that opens a conductive path between the patient’s electrodes and the device’s grounded parts. The patient’s body heat can cause a secondary arc, which can result in burns. While using ungrounded defibrillators reduces the risk of burns, it’s important to consider the safety of the patient by consulting a biomedical engineer to determine the correct grounding of the defibrillator’s patient circuit.
X7-T TEE Transducer
The compatible philips Affinity 30 probe consists of a single X7-T TEE transducing element. This device has a unique design that allows for easy positioning. Its design enables the insertion of biopsy needles up to 1.5 mm in diameter. The X7-T TEE transducer is compatible with most Philips EE devices. The Philips manual explains the different configurations available. It also contains a TEE study guide for the S8-T transducer.
The mechanical index is displayed over a range of 0.0 to 1.9. There is also a preset default value for the TI and MI. You can also change the TI and MI values by changing the number of focal zones. This setting displays the MI value of the highest zone. The TI and MI values vary by the mode selected. The defaults are chosen below FDA limits.
Unlike some other brands, the CX50 offers a fully functional X7-T TEE transducing element. The CX50 xmatrix supports the L15-7io compact linear array transducer, which is a revolutionary TEE device that can be shared between two xmatrix systems. Besides, the CX50 is compatible with ie33.
The compatible philips Affinity 30 probe reflects the same high quality and reliability as the original. Users of the original device should seek advice if they plan to sell their TEE transducer to a colleague or patient. While the original manufacturer’s warranty has expired, you can still receive important safety-related information and field change orders. You should always consult your physician before passing on your medical device to another practitioner.
Compatibility is essential for safe operation. It is essential to ensure that the transducer is in pristine condition, as it contains hazardous voltages. This unit should be tested before use to determine if there are any shielding defects or need for repair. Failure to perform the electrical leakage tests can result in higher repair costs. If you’re in doubt, you can call a Philips representative for guidance.