Are you looking for a replacement convex probe for your Toshiba Eccosee ultrasound device? Then read this article for helpful information on the subject. In this article, we will go over the benefits of using a Convex probe. It comes with a 3.75 MHz frequency and R50 resistance. In addition, we’ll cover what to look for in a compatible probe.TOSHIBA Eccosee Probe
Convex probe, 3.75 MHz
The following information is intended for information purposes only. Each system or probe may have some features and functions that may not be available for the others. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, errors cannot be excluded. The information provided herein is not intended to be a replacement for the TOSHIBA Eccosee probe, 3.75 MHz. If you are unsure of the exact model of your MRI scanner, please consult your provider to determine compatibility.